Ecology Blocks

They are called Ecology Blocks because, in the past, much of the concrete used to make these blocks would have been dumped or wasted as leftover material after a pouring job. By casting blocks with these small batches, we are reusing valuable concrete. Stacked and ready for your project.

Now the reasons:

For the protection of our dining patrons

One might ask why? And I would simply say it protects the safety of our dining patrons from the beautiful and dangerous Mount Baker Highway, also known as 542. It allows a barrier from the speeding traffic of over 60 miles an hour and sometimes over 100. You want to dine and have a safe passage home so you may join us once again right?

For the organization of traffic control and or flow

It allows the dining patron to enter through the East Gate and exit through the West Gate. Parking at a diagonal and making it easier to exit out of your parking spot and direct you to your exit.

For the deterrent of persons that have no intention of dining or contributing to the betterment of Rifugio

Many a person perceives that we are a public space. We are not. We are a small private restaurant with a beautiful garden with sculptures. We are not a rest stop for people to go to the bathroom, have picnics, park or abandon their cars or vehicles, day or night park as they hike or ski, we are not a garbage deposit as well. We are a sanctuary for the patrons with the intent of dining with us and receiving sustenance of food and spirit and adding to and taking from Rifugio

For the continued sculpting of the intended goals of making Rifugio a sanctuary

Sculpting? Yes sculpting the landscape slowly but surely. The ecology blocks are a big part of that as they will add a sound barrier to the rhythmic hum of car and truck tires on the highway. Next are planters with trees to add greenery and softness to the blocks breaking up the straight line.